how to put pillow under hips to get pregnant

How to Put Pillow Under Hips to Get Pregnant?

How to Put Pillow Under Hips to Get Pregnant? Getting pregnant can be an exciting journey for couples, but can also come with challenges. One…

How to Put Pillow Under Hips to Get Pregnant? Getting pregnant can be an exciting journey for couples, but can also come with challenges. One of the challenges that many couples face is difficulty in conceiving. Luckily, various methods can improve the chances of conception, including pillows.

This article will discuss putting a pillow under the hips to get pregnant. We will explore the benefits of this method, the right way to do it, and some tips to help you succeed.

Why Use a Pillow to Get Pregnant?

Using a pillow to get pregnant is a popular method that many couples use. This is because it can help increase the chances of conception by keeping sperm inside the vagina for longer. When you have sex, sperm is released into the vagina, but it can quickly exit through the cervix and into the uterus. By placing a pillow under your hips, you can help tilt your pelvis, preventing the sperm from exiting too quickly.

buy pillow under hips

Another reason why this method is popular is that it can help reduce the chances of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI) after sex. When you have sex, bacteria from the genital area can enter the urethra and cause an infection. By elevating your hips, you can help to prevent this from happening.

how to put pillow under hips to get pregnant
How to Put Pillow Under Hips to Get Pregnant?

Place a pillow under your hips to increase your chances of conceiving

Some studies have indicated that keeping a pillow under the hips and raising your legs against a wall can help women conceive. Here’s some information on how it could work.

1. The Vaginal pH

Your vagina has an acidic environment which is not ideal for the survival of the sperm. Sperm prefer an alkaline environment and hence need to move away from the acidity of the vagina as soon as they can. The cervical mucus helps prevent damage caused by vaginal acidity until the sperm reach the egg and fertilize it in the fallopian tube. Placing a pillow under your hips and raising them immediately after intercourse could speed up this process and prevent the sperm from getting affected by the acidity in the vagina.

vaginal ph checking

2. Sperm Quality

Raising the legs and placing a pillow under your hips could help increase your chances of getting pregnant if the sperm quality is not up to the mark.

sperm Quality Test

3. Cervical Mucus Is Hostile

Cervical mucus is meant to protect the sperm from the acidity of the vagina. If the mucus in the cervix is hostile or you have less cervical fluid, this position could help the sperm reach the fallopian tube directly without contacting the vagina.

How to Put Pillow Under Hips to Get Pregnant

Putting a pillow under your hips to get pregnant is a simple process. Here are the steps to follow:

  • After sex, lie on your back for 15-20 minutes. This will allow the sperm to swim towards the cervix and into the uterus.
  • Place a pillow under your hips once you are ready to get up. The pillow should be thick enough to elevate your pelvis but not too thick that it causes discomfort. A firm pillow or a wedge pillow can work well for this purpose.
  • Lie on the pillow for 15-20 minutes. During this time, try to relax and avoid moving around too much. This will help to keep the sperm inside the vagina for longer.
  • After 15-20 minutes, you can get up and go about your day as usual.
  • Tips for Success
  • Using a pillow to get pregnant can be an effective method, but there are some tips that you can follow to increase your chances of success.

Boost Pregnancy Chances

There are a few other steps that you can take to boost your chances of positive pregnancy. These include:

  • Going for a pre-conception check-up: It’s important to schedule a pre-conception appointment with your OB-GYN. This will allow you to assess your health and discuss any necessary lifestyle changes or pre-existing medical conditions that may affect your pregnancy.
  • Taking prenatal vitamins: It’s important to note that prenatal vitamins are packed with crucial nutrients like folic acid, which can greatly assist in ovulation, fertilization, and the survival of an early embryo.
  • Consuming a healthy diet: It is imperative to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet that is inclusive of an abundance of fruits and vegetables. This dietary regimen can aid in the enhancement of progesterone levels, the facilitation of ovulation, and the promotion of early implantation.
  • Tracking your ovulation: It is advantageous to monitor ovulation symptoms in order to determine the most fertile days for achieving pregnancy.
  • Aiming for a healthy weight: Maintaining a healthy weight prior to conception can enhance the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and diminish the possibility of certain pregnancy-related complications. It is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider to ascertain your body mass index (BMI) and make an effort to sustain a healthy lifestyle through regular physical activity.

Tips for Success

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Time sex properly: To increase your chances of conception, it is important to have sex during your most fertile days. This is typically around the time of ovulation, which is when an egg is released from the ovary. You can use ovulation predictor kits to determine when you are ovulating.
  • Use the right type of pillow: The pillow should be firm enough to elevate your pelvis but not so thick that it causes discomfort. A wedge pillow or a firm pillow can work well for this purpose.
  • Relax and avoid moving around too much: When you lie on the pillow, it is important to relax and avoid moving around too much. This will help to keep the sperm inside the vagina for longer.
  • Be patient: Getting pregnant can take time, so it is important to be patient and keep trying.


Using a pillow to get pregnant is a simple and effective method that many couples use. By elevating your pelvis, you can help to keep the sperm inside the vagina for longer, which can increase your chances of conception. To achieve success, it is important to use the right type of pillow, time sex properly, and be patient. With these tips, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant and starting your family.

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